About the Governing Body
The Governing Body is made up of 12 volunteers:
Mr Tim Ward (Foundation Governor and Chair of the Governing Body)
Re-appointed on: 1st December 2022
Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle
Term of Office: 4 Years
Relevant business and financial interests: none
Mrs Sarah Brooke (Local Authority Governor and Vice-Chair of the Governing Body)
Appointed on: 11th July 2022
Appointed by: Nominated by LA and appointed by GB
Term of Office: 4 Years
Relevant business and financial interests: none
Mr Craig Brown (Foundation Governor)
Appointed on: 12th December 2023
Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle
Term of Office: 4 Years
Relevant business and financial interests: none
Mrs Mary Cammack (Foundation Governor)
Re-appointed on: 13th September 2023
Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle
Term of Office: 4 Years
Relevant business and financial interests: none
Mrs Shirley Miller (Foundation Governor)
Re-appointed on: 26th September 2023
Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle
Term of Office: 4 Years
Relevant business and financial interests: none
Mr Bill Wood (Foundation Governor)
Appointed on: 10th September 2021
Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle
Term of Office: 4 Years
Relevant business and financial interests: none
Mr Neil Mason (Parent Governor)
Appointed on: 1st July 2022
Appointed by: Parents
Term of Office: 4 Years
Relevant business and financial interests: Founder and Strategy Partner at Brandery
Mrs Anna Haworth (Parent Governor)
Appointed on: 28th November 2022
Appointed by: Parents
Term of Office: 4 Years
Relevant business and financial interests: spouse works at a Primary School in Lancaster
Mrs Louise Hinton (Headteacher)
Relevant business and financial interests: none
Mrs June Grant (Staff Governor)
Appointed on: 9th December 2020
Appointed by: School Staff
Term of Office: 4 Years
Relevant business and financial interests: none
Canon A Whittaker (Ex-officio)
Relevant business and financial interests: Foundation Governor at Old Hutton CE Primary School
Mrs Jennifer Gregory (Clerk)
Relevant business and financial interests: none
There are three main committees of the Governing Body:
Leadership and Management
(Business and Finance)
Chair: Mr Bill Wood
Members: Mr Tim Ward, Mr Neil Mason and Mrs Louise Hinton (Headteacher)
Co-optees: Mrs Denise Conroy (School Business Manager)
Community and Welfare
Chair: Canon Angela Whittaker
Members: Mrs Shirley Miller, Mrs Anna Haworth, Mrs June Grant and Mrs Louise Hinton
Co-optees: Mrs Karen Chambers (MOSACIS Manager), Mrs Kate Clarke (Nursery Manager)
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Chair: Mrs Sarah Brooke
Members: Mrs Mary Cammack, Mrs June Grant, Mr Tim Ward and Mrs Louise Hinton
Co-optees: Mrs Kirsten Hardy (SENDCo)