About the Governing Body

The Governing Body is made up of 12 volunteers: 

  • Mr Tim Ward (Foundation Governor and Chair of the Governing Body)

    Re-appointed on: 1st December 2022

    Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle

    Term of Office: 4 Years

    Relevant business and financial interests: none

  • Mrs Sarah Brooke (Local Authority Governor and Vice-Chair of the Governing Body)

    Appointed on: 11th July 2022

    Appointed by: Nominated by LA and appointed by GB

    Term of Office: 4 Years

    Relevant business and financial interests: none

  • Mr Craig Brown (Foundation Governor)

    Appointed on: 12th December 2023

    Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle

    Term of Office: 4 Years

    Relevant business and financial interests: none

  • Mrs Mary Cammack (Foundation Governor)

    Re-appointed on: 13th September 2023

    Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle

    Term of Office: 4 Years

    Relevant business and financial interests: none

  • Mrs Shirley Miller (Foundation Governor)

    Re-appointed on: 26th September 2023

    Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle

    Term of Office: 4 Years

    Relevant business and financial interests: none

  • Mr Bill Wood (Foundation Governor)

    Appointed on: 10th September 2021

    Appointed by: Diocese of Carlisle

    Term of Office: 4 Years

    Relevant business and financial interests: none

  • Mr Neil Mason (Parent Governor)

    Appointed on: 1st July 2022

    Appointed by: Parents

    Term of Office: 4 Years

    Relevant business and financial interests: Founder and Strategy Partner at Brandery

  • Mrs Anna Haworth (Parent Governor)

    Appointed on: 28th November 2022

    Appointed by: Parents

    Term of Office: 4 Years

    Relevant business and financial interests: spouse works at a Primary School in Lancaster

  • Mrs Louise Hinton (Headteacher) 

    Relevant business and financial interests: none

  • Mrs June Grant (Staff Governor)

    Appointed on: 9th December 2020

    Appointed by: School Staff

    Term of Office: 4 Years

    Relevant business and financial interests: none

  • Canon A Whittaker (Ex-officio)

    Relevant business and financial interests: Foundation Governor at Old Hutton CE Primary School

  • Mrs Jennifer Gregory (Clerk)     

    Relevant business and financial interests: none

There are three main committees of the Governing Body:

Leadership and Management 
(Business and Finance)

Chair: Mr Bill Wood

Members: Mr Craig Brown, Mr Tim Ward, Mr Neil Mason and Mrs Louise Hinton (Headteacher)

Co-optees: Mrs Denise Conroy (School Business Manager)

Community and Welfare

Chair: Canon Angela Whittaker 

Members: Mrs Shirley Miller, Mrs Anna Haworth, Mrs June Grant and Mrs Louise Hinton

Co-optees: Mrs Karen Chambers (MOSACIS Manager), Mrs Kate Clarke (Nursery Manager)

Teaching, Learning and Assessment 

Chair: Mrs Sarah Brooke

Members: Mrs Mary Cammack, Mrs June Grant, Mr Tim Ward and  Mrs Louise Hinton

Co-optees: Mrs Kirsten Hardy (SENDCo)

Governance documents are available for public scrutiny.  If you wish to access any further documentation not published on the school's website please contact the school's Governance Professional stating the documents you would like to access and the reasons for your request.  Please make your request to clerk@st-marks.cumbria.sch.uk