St Mark’s CE Primary School
Terms of Reference of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee
Adopted: October 2021
To be reviewed: October 2022
The committee meets at least termly to discuss, review and develop the following aspects of the work of the school:
Systems for monitoring of pupil performance and progress evidenced by data analysis
School internal tracking data
Pupil achievement at end of Reception year and Key Stages 1 and 2
Rates of pupil progress
ASP online data / ISDR (Inspection School Dashboard Report)
Monitoring of provision and impact of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for all members of staff
Annual Schools’ Return (Cumbria LA) self-evaluation form
Inspection action plans and preparation
Progress against appropriate measures
Detail and impact of expenditure of Sports Premium
Pupil and Parent voice
Curriculum development
Monitoring of impact of curriculum provision
Digital Learning Platform
Remote and Blended Learning offer
Monitoring of catch-up programme
EYFS curriculum