Governing Body Code of Conduct
The four strategic functions of the Governing Body are:
1. ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic vision
2. holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the management of the performance of members of staff
3. overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
4. ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard
The Church of England Vision for Education is ‘deeply Christian, with the promise by Jesus of life in all its fullness at its heart.’ It is for the common good of the whole human community and invites ‘collaboration, alliances and negotiation of differences.’ (CEEO, 2016, p2)
All of the above are likely to be experienced by individuals within governing bodies as they work together to fulfil their legal responsibilities. The Christian vision and ethos of a Church of England school infuses all aspects of school life, including the Governing Body.
This Code of Conduct sets out the expectations and commitment required from members of the school Governing Body in order for the Governing Body to carry out its work within the school and community. It is recommended that all individuals serving on such governing bodies agree to uphold this code as part of their role.
The Church of England Vision for Education is worked out theologically through four aspects.
· Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
· Hope and Aspiration
· Dignity and Respect
· Community and Living Well
It is useful to consider how each aspect relates to the role of a member of the Governing Body.
Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
At the heart of the Bible is the pursuit of wisdom, a vital component of all governing bodies. ‘It is a matter of affirming what is of worth in the past and present, rejecting courageously things that we judge unwise, and working to transform those that are valuable but need improvement.’(CEEO, 2016, p.9). Governing bodies will therefore strive for wisdom in using knowledge and skills to combine continuity and innovation appropriately. Decisions will involve ‘radical questioning, imaginative and daring exploration and… a desire for wisdom.’ (ibid) The Christian values of wisdom and service will be demonstrated by all as they seek ‘the common good.’
This will involve agreement to:
· accepting that the role of the Governing Body is strategic and so will focus on the core functions (above) rather than involve ourselves in day to day management
· develop an understanding of the purpose of the Governing Body.
· encourage open governance and act appropriately.
· adhere to the school’s codes of conduct and polices and the procedures of the Governing Body as set out by the relevant documents and law.
· consider seriously individual and collective needs for induction, training and development, undertake relevant training and ensure the effectiveness of governance through self-evaluation.
· accept and respect the difference in roles between the Governing Body and school staff, ensuring that all work collectively for the benefit of the organisation.
· stand by decisions made as a collective
· ensure, when speaking or writing in the role of a member of the Governing Body, that any individual comments reflect current organisational policy, even if they might be different to our personal views.
· have regard for the significant amounts of time and energy being a member of the Governing Body requires.
· involve ourselves actively in the work of the Governing Body and accept a fair share of responsibilities, including service on committees and working groups.
· get to know the staff and school well and respond to opportunities to get involved in school activities.
· visit the school, ensuring all visits are arranged in advance with the Headteacher and undertaken within the framework and according to the protocol established by the Governing Body.
· be prepared to answer queries from other Governing Body members in relation to delegated functions and take into account any concerns expressed, acknowledging the time, effort and skills that have been committed to the delegated function by those involved.
· understand that the requirements relating to confidentiality continue to apply after a member of the Governor steps down from the role.
· Understand and accept that the Register of Business Interests will be published on the school’s website.
Hope and Aspiration
‘Hope in God’s future for the world, in God’s ongoing love and compassion for all people, and for the whole of creation, and in God’s promise of life in all its fullness are at the dedication to educating for hope and aspiration.’ (CEEO, 2016, p.10) Each individual is to be encouraged to work and strive to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Looking to the life of Jesus, we recognise how fallible and flawed humans are alongside the knowledge that through Him transformation for the better is possible. Trusting in Him inspires us to ‘perseverance, patience, gratitude, openness to surprises and celebration.’ (ibid) In all decisions members of the Governing Body will strive to explicitly promote hope and aspiration for all members of the school and community without prejudice. Embodying the Christian values of endurance, hope and creativity will enable this to be achieved.
This will involve agreement to:
· seek to develop effective working relationships with the senior leaders, staff and parents, the Diocese, the local authority and other relevant agencies and the community.
· actively support, as well as challenge, the leaders of the school
· have a duty of care to all staff and to each other.
· be mindful of, and strive to uphold, the reputation of the school when communicating in a private capacity (including on social media.)
Community and Living Well
The conviction that we are created and sustained by God for living together in families and communities is at the heart of our dedication to educating for life together.’ (CEEO, 2016, p.11). In Church of England schools the flourishing of all is central to being an ‘hospitable community that seeks to embody an ethos of living well together.’(ibid) Governing bodies should seek to be an ‘hospitable space, allowing for healthy diverse debate, agreement and disagreement.’(ibid) The result of such hospitality leads to deep, mutual understandings and peaceful, negotiated settlements. Therefore, members of the governing body should express views openly at meetings while accepting collective responsibility for all decisions made by the full Governing Body or any individual member of the Governing Body delegated to perform a certain role. Governing Body members will consider carefully how decisions affect not only the school they represent but also the wider community and other schools. In working together as a community of governors the Christian values of thankfulness, trust, peace, forgiveness, friendship and fellowship will be actively promoted and demonstrated.
This will involve agreement to:
· accept that we have no legal authority to act individually, except when the Governing Body has given an individual member or group delegated authority to do so, and therefore we will only speak on behalf of the Governing Body when we specifically authorised to do so.
· accept collective responsibility for all decisions made by the Governing Body or any that has been delegated by the Governing Body. This means that we will not speak against majority decisions outside the Governing Body meeting.
· consider carefully how decisions made by the Governing Body may affect the wider community and other schools.
· be mindful of the collective responsibility to maintain and develop the ethos and reputation of the school.
· accept that regular attendance at meetings of the Governing Body is essential. Wherever possible members of the Governing Body are expected to explain in advance why they are unable to attend a meeting.
· work as a team, ensuring the active promotion of constructive working relationships.
· observe complete confidentiality both inside and outside of school when matters are deemed confidential or where they concern individual members of staff, pupils or families
· act in the best interests of the school as a whole and not as a representative of any group, even if elected to the Governing Body as a parent governor.
· exercise the greatest prudence at all times when discussions regarding school business arise outside a Governing Body meeting.
· record any pecuniary or other business interest (including those related to people we are connected with) that we have in connection with the Governing Body’s business in the Register of Business Interests, and, if any such conflicted matter arises in a meeting, offer to leave the meeting for the appropriate length of time.
· declare any conflict of loyalty at the start of a meeting should the situation arise.
· offer to leave for the duration of the discussion and any subsequent vote if a conflicted matter arises in a meeting
· commit to not revealing the details of any vote taken by Governing Body.
Dignity and Respect
Commitment to the dignity and ultimate worth of each person is central to the work of the Governing Body. Jesus paid special attention to the ‘disadvantaged, excluded, despised and feared.’ We are called to join with Him in demonstrating this. In particular, the dignity of all should be upheld by members of the Governing Body as they discuss matters of safeguarding, prevention of bullying, provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities and also in relationships with each other. The Christian values of humility, compassion and justice will help in this.
This will involve agreement to:
· respect the role of the school leaders and their responsibility for the day to day management of the organisation and avoid any actions that might undermine such arrangements
· be candid but constructive and respectful when holding senior leaders to account
· support the chair in their role of ensuring appropriate conduct both at meetings and at all times.
· arrive at meetings prepared, having read all papers in advance, ready to make a positive contribution and observe protocol
· have a duty to act fairly and without prejudice, and in so far as there is a corporate duty of care to employees, fulfil all that is expected of a good employer.
· follow the procedures established by the Governing Body in making or responding to criticism or complaints
· where decisions and actions conflict with the Seven Principles of Public Life (see Appendix B) or may place pupils at risk, we will speak up and bring this to the attention of the relevant authorities
· maintain the underlying responsibility of a member of the Governing Body when visiting the school in a personal capacity (i.e. as a parent or carer).
· accept that in the interests of open governance, full names, dates of appointment, terms of office, roles on the Governing Body, attendance records, relevant business and pecuniary interests, category of governor and the body responsible for appointing each member will be published on the school’s website.
· accept that, in the interests of transparency, information relating to members of the Governing Body will be collected and logged on the DfE’s national schools’ database, Get Information About Schools (GIAS), some of which will be publically available
· express views openly, courteously and respectfully in all our communications with other members of the Governing Body, the clerk and school staff both in and outside of meetings.
· observe complete confidentiality when matters are deemed confidential or where they concern specific members of staff or pupils, both inside or outside school. This covers all forms of verbal and written communication, including the various forms of social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
· Ensure all confidential papers are held and disposed of appropriately.
It is also important to remember that whilst serving as members of governing bodies, all individuals are required to uphold the seven Nolan Committee (1995) principles of public life (Appendix B)
Breach of this Code of Conduct
If it is believed that this code has been breached, the matter will be raised with the Chair of the Governing Body in the first instance to investigate. The Chair will seek to resolve any issues or disputes constructively encouraging forgiveness and reconciliation. If it is the Chair who it is believed has breached this code, the Vice-Chair will investigate. Any allegation of a breach of this code of conduct by any member of the Governing Body should be raised at a meeting of the Governing Body, and, if agreed by a majority of members, it should be recorded within the minutes. If this occurs, it could lead to the consideration of suspension or, in some circumstances removal from, the Governing Body. Further advice or mediation support can be accessed from diocesan officers. Please contact the Director of Education for Carlisle Diocese should this be required.