St Mark’s CE Primary School Governing Body
Terms of Reference for the Community and Welfare Committee
Adopted: October 2021
To be reviewed: October 2022
The committee meets at least termly to discuss, review and further develop the following aspects of the school’s work:
Admissions Policy and related issues
Participation in community activities
Relationships with other schools, colleges, nurseries, playgroups and in the workplace
Communication with parents
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Staff well-being
Children Looked After and Previously Looked After
Personal Development (Ofsted inspection judgement )
Extra-Curricular activities
MOSAICS (St Mark’s Out of School Care Scheme)
Transition of Natland and Oxenholme Pre-School to Governor-led provision
Church school distinctiveness and SIAMS matters
Views of parents
School Direct and partnership with University of Cumbria
Mental health
Pupil Premium Strategy