St Mark’s CE Primary School Governing Body
Terms of Reference for the Leadership & Management Committee (Business including Premises, Health & Safety)
Adopted: October 2021
To be reviewed: October 2022
The Committee will consist of the Headteacher and at least three other members of the Governing Body. The School Business Manager will be co-opted onto the committee and attend meetings as necessary.
The Committee will meet as and when needed, but at least once each term and in advance of each Full Governing Body meeting
The Committee will appoint its own Chair. All members of the Committee will have equal opportunities to present their views. Three quarters of the committee membership constitutes a quorum.
The Headteacher will decide and implement all expenditure premises up to a value of £5,000 and advise the Committee of his actions. The Headteacher will make the Committee aware of larger projects and, taking into account the available financial resources, the Committee will decide upon and require the Headteacher to implement all expenditure related to the building and premises matters up to a value of £10,000. The Committee will make the full Governing Body aware of their decisions.
The Committee will recommend to the Full Governing Body all expenditure related to buildings and premises in excess of £10,000 and seek a formal vote to approve this recommendation.
The Committee will be responsible for:
i) Overseeing all matters pertaining to the fabric of the building, both internal and external, including all relevant utilities
ii) Contributing to the development plan by indicating priorities for maintenance and improvement.
iii) Deciding upon the award of contracts for all major projects (minor ones being decided by the Headteacher)
iv) The appointment, as necessary, of an appropriate business or organization, to manage larger building and maintenance projects
v) Overseeing decisions relating to grounds maintenance and having regard to the Environmental Protection legislation
vi) Overseeing decisions relating to School Cleaning.
vii) Overseeing decisions relating to School Catering.
viii) The school’s Health and Safety Policy.
ix) Arranging and carrying out annual risk assessments and implementing the outcomes
x) The oversight of school security as it relates to the well-being of staff and pupils
xi) The oversight of school lettings and related charges and insurances.
xii) The oversight of lease arrangement and tenancy of Natland & Oxenholme Pre School and transition to the Governor-led Nursery provision on 01.11.21
xiii) Oversight of all matters relating to assessment and management of risk from Covid-19