Freedom of information

Freedom of Information

Guide to information available from St Mark’s CE Primary School under the model publication scheme

We referred to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) ‘Freedom of Information Act 2000: Definition document for the governing bodies of maintained and other state-funded schools in England under the model publication scheme’ (v4.0) to produce this guide for the public about what the ICO expects us to publish to meet our public duties.  It includes applicable datasets.  For more information about the FOIA guidance we follow, please also see

This guide covers only information we currently hold.  If we do not hold some of the information listed below, we will mark it as ‘not held’ in the table.  When we publish information online, find it by clicking on the links in the table.  When you can get a hard copy, the table explains how i.e., where to get one or who to contact.  Some information like certain lists, registers, and logs may only be available for inspection.

Class 1 - Who we are and what we do

Information published on the school website

Cost: no charge

Current information about us; our structures, locations, and contacts (including postal and email addresses, and named contacts with their telephone numbers and email addresses where possible).

  • Headteacher’s contact details

  • Who’s who in the school

  • Who’s who on the Governing Body and selection criteria for appointment

  • Governing Body contact details

  • Instrument of Government

  • School session times and term dates

Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it

On request from the School Business Manager

Cost: copying and postage

Financial information about our projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts, and financial audit.

Current and previous financial year as a minimum.

  • Annual budget and financial statements

  • Capital funding.

  • Financial audit reports.

  • Details of expenditure items over £2000 (published at least annually but at a more frequent quarterly or six-monthly interval where practical).

  • Staff pay (details of senior staff salaries in bands of £5,000.  For all other posts, identify levels of pay by salary range).

  • Staff allowances and expenses that can be incurred or claimed, with totals paid to individual senior staff members.

  • Governor allowances that can be incurred or claimed, and a record of total payments made to individual governors.

  • Procurement and contracts we have entered into, or information about/a link to information held by an organisation which has done so on our behalf e.g., a local authority or diocese.

  • Details of any premiums we receive such as Pupil Premium.

Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing

Information on, or available via links on, the school website:

Cost: no charge

Our current strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections, and reviews.

Annual Report.

Latest report from the regulator Ofsted.

·       Summary

·       Full report

·       Post-inspection action plan

Exam and assessment results.

Performance tables

Our school profile and performance data supplied to the Government (GIAS)

Data Protection impact assessments (in full or summary format) or any other impact assessment (e.g., Health & Safety Impact Assessment, Equality Impact Assessments etc), as appropriate and relevant.

Class 4 – How we make decisions

Information available on the school website:

Cost: copying and postage

Our decision-making processes and records of decisions.

Current and previous three years as a minimum.

Admissions policy and, where applicable, general, and not individual admission decisions e.g., application numbers/patterns of successful applicants, including criteria on which applications were successful.

Agendas and minutes of meetings of the Governing Body and its committees unless an exemption applies to the information or parts of it.

Class 5 – Our policies and procedures

Available either on the school website:

or on request from the School Business Manager:

Cost: copying and postage

Our current written protocols, policies, and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities

As a minimum we include policies, procedures, and documents that we are required to have by statute or through our funding agreement or by the English government and include handling information requests.

School policies and other documents, such as behaviour policy, anti-bullying policy, online safety, vision and values etc.

Current information to be published

Cost: copying and postage

Safeguarding and child protection, including protecting children’s personal data on website

Equality and Diversity (Single Equality Scheme) on website

Policies and procedures relating to recruitment and human resources

on request from School Business via

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) on website

Complaints policies and procedures including those covering handling requests for information and operating the publication scheme on website

Pay Policy

on request from School Business via

Records management and personal data policies, including:

·       Information security policies

·       Records retention destruction and archive policies

·       Data protection (including information sharing and CCTV usage policies)

on request from School Business via

Charging regimes and policies, including statutory charging regimes and charges made for information routinely published, which clearly state what costs will be recovered, the basis on which they are made, and how they are calculated on website.

If we charge a fee for re-licensing the use of datasets, we include this in our guide to how this is calculated (please see the schedule of charges at the end on this list).

on request from School Business via

Class 6 – Lists and Registers

On request from the school business manager:

Cost: copying and postage

Lists and registers we currently maintain (does not include the attendance register)

Curriculum circulars and statutory instruments

Disclosure logs i.e. information provided in response to FOIA requests

Asset register and Information Asset register

Any information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers

Class 7 – The services we offer

Available either on the school website:

or on request from the School Business Manager:

Cost: copying and postage (as necessary)

Current information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for the public and businesses.

Extra-curricular activities

Out of school clubs

Services for which the school is entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees

School publications, leaflets, books, and newsletters


Photocopying (black and white): 1 pence per sheet

Photocopying (colour): 6 pence per sheet

Postage: Royal Mail standard second class