Cross-curricular topics

We believe that children learn better when they are able to connect ideas from a number of different traditional subject disciplines.

Aims of cross-curricular working:

  • to record children’s development of a range of knowledge, understanding and skills over a substantial period of time;

  • to keep the record of children’s learning journey in one place;

  • for children to develop an understanding of knowledge as being fluid and connected across artificial subject boundaries;

  • to develop children’s writing skills in the context of real learning across a variety of subject areas;

  • to provide a way to celebrate and value the process of learning and writing alongside the finished product;

  • for parents to have a better understanding of the work children are doing across a wider range of subjects and get involved in supporting learning at home;

  • to share learning with teachers, peers and parents in a more meaningful context; and

  • to take pride in work, both the draft and finished product.

Practical working

All topic-based work will be completed on various loose leaf A4 sheets and kept for presentation in topic books.

Topic Books:

  • celebrate quality not quantity;

  • show learning and progress rather than a record of what has happened in a lesson;

  • are not a scrapbook or a presentation folder, rather a record of a learning journey;

  • foster and encourage pride in work and presentation;

  • avoid over reliance on pre-published material; and

  • often provide an opportunity for original art work as cover design

Learn more about each of our termly cross-curricular topics below.

Summer Term

Summer term 2022


Year 1: Houses and Homes


Year 2: Amazing Animals


Year 3: Stones and Bones


Year 4: River Deep, Mountain High


Year 5: All Change


Year 5: Out of this World


Year 6: Survival!