Inspection reports
As a maintained voluntary aided Church of England primary school, St Mark’s is inspected by the government Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted), usually every 4 or 5 years.
Our most recent Ofsted inspection report (December 2016) states that St Mark’s continues to be a good school.
The opening paragraph of the report states:
‘The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. You have an accurate understanding of the key reasons why the school continues to be successful and why it is a popular choice of parents in the area. Using this knowledge, you have continued to build on the strengths seen during the last inspection, maintaining the high standard seen in reading and making sure that the pupils continue to be happy and exceptionally well cared for. You know where there is still work to do, based on your accurate and ongoing reviews of the work of the school.’
Parents are encouraged to make comments about their child’s school directly with Ofsted, using the Parent View portal here.
As a maintained voluntary aided Church of England primary school, St Mark’s is inspected by the Church of England, under the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) framework (every 5 years).
Our most recent SIAMS (March 2017) judged the distinctiveness and effectiveness of St Mark’s C of E School as a Church of England School as outstanding. The headline judgments form the report were:
The Christian character of the school is deeply embedded and permeates all aspects of school life. This has a direct and positive impact on pupils’ wellbeing and on their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
The distinctively Christian values are lived out within the school and ensure exceptionally strong relationships across staff and pupils.
The excellent Christian leadership of the school ensures that school improvement is highly effective and underpinned by Christian values.
Collective worship plays a significant part in developing pupils’ spirituality.
Key Stage 2 results
Lorem Ipsum