Welcome to St Mark’s Church of England Primary School

St Mark’s is a successful, happy and welcoming rural primary school serving the children of Natland, the Oaks, the Beeches, Strawberry Fields, Oxenholme and beyond.  

The report from the most recent Ofsted inspection (December 2016) judged St Mark’s to be a good school.
The opening paragraph of the report states: 

‘The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. You have an accurate understanding of the key reasons why the school continues to be successful and why it is a popular choice of parents in the area . . .’

We are very proud of our school and its place at the heart of the local community.

A curriculum underpinned by our Christian vision, ethos and values

Our curriculum is designed to enable all children to flourish as independent and motivated learners in a partnership between home and school.


Part of the Kendal Primary Partnership

St Mark’s is the Lead School, in partnership with the University of Cumbria, for the Kendal Primary Partnership School Direct programme.


St Mark’s Nursery

Our nursery is on the school site, with a dedicated newly refurbished classroom and outside area. In addition, the Pre-school children are able to use many of the school facilities including the playground, field, outside classroom and garden and the school hall for PE sessions.

Term dates 2022—2023

Autumn term 

Starts: Wednesday 7th September 2022
Half term: Monday 24th October 2021 to Friday 28th October 2022
Ends: Tuesday 20th December 2022

Spring term 

Starts: Wednesday 04th January 2023
Half term: Monday 20th February 2023 to Friday 24th February 2023
Ends: Friday 31st March 2023

Summer term 

Starts: Monday 17th April 2023
Half term: Monday 29th May 2023 to Friday 02nd June 2023
Ends: Wednesday 19th July 2023


The winged lion, symbol of St Mark, represents the strength we can all find in God combined with the potential to achieve great things and ‘soar on wings like eagles.’

Peter Barfoot, Headteacher